Friday, December 12, 2008


Oh the things that come out of my precious two year olds mouth... I could write a book with them. Today we picked Aaron up for lunch and she kept telling me she wanted to go on the alligator. I am pretty good at "Brooke" translating, but what in the world is an alligator? It turns out it was the elevator (duh) LOL.
She is doing her poops in the potty now (sorry if this is to much information), every time she gets off she tells me what her poop is. Today she said she pooped santa clause. Nathan even had to come look at this one. To my surprise he agreed with her! While all of this two year old chatter is going on, I also have many 4 year old happenings also. Today at Target Nathan fell in the middle of the aisle, and
yelled "mom I hurt my balls". Yep, right there in front of everyone. What can you do but laugh in a situation like that :)
That's it for now, I AM going to be posting more every week.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Carrie!!! I love your blog! Your kiddos are stinkin' cute, and I'm never above writing about poop. I'm a blogger too! I found you through Danielle, who I didn't know was a blogger either. I miss you guys. Work just isn't the same on the other campus. It's kinda lonely over there. Oh well. Have a great vacation. Oh, here's my blog: