My mom and I went to a friends open house today. There were no children allowed, so I brought playdough for them to use while they waited in the car. My mom and I took turns going in, while the other waited in the car with the kiddos. Both of them did great! When we were driving home I noticed something bright orange hanging out of Brooke's nose. I told her to take the playdough out of her nose. "I did" she replies. So I left it alone. When we got home I pulled some of it out only to find more of it stuck WAY up there. Come on, why oh why would you want to stick playdough that far up your nose??? To wrap it up, after much picking, poking and pulling I got most of it out (not all). And we had a long talk, about 30 seconds (remember she is two) about why we don't stick "stuff" up our noses.